Remodelling Your Home Effectively Without Incurring a Small Fortune
Every so often we find the need to do a quick refurbishment on our home either to rent, sell or even add a touch...
Easy Guide to Buying Homes with Good Feng Shui
Buying your house can be one of the most important decisions you have to make. Not only does the home need to be large...
6 Tips for a Balanced Home
When designing your home interiors, it is important to create a well-balanced living environment. From your choice of furniture through to the type of...
Integrating The Five Elements Into Buildings
The basis of element feng shui is the productive and exhaustive relationship between the five elements of fire, wood, earth, water and metal. These...
When East Meets West
When you think East meeting West, the mind instantly leaps to fusion dining or a mixture of oriental and western values as manifested in...
Designing Your Home Library
In this digital age, we sometimes forget the beauty of books, so in this issue’s piece, I want to bring back the glory and...
Design Strategies: Maximizing Storage Space
In every household, you will find that storage space is a vital commodity that is essential but not sought after when it comes to...
Designing Your Office Environment to Maximize Harmony, Productivity & Profit
When planning your office environment, it is always ideal to identify which sectors are auspicious and which are not. Based on the facing direction...
Lantau Landscape Features the Auspicious “8”
Hong Kong is world famous for its shopping, scintillating night life and frenetic pace. Yet less than an hour away on Lantau Island is...
Letting Your Apartment Grow With You
When designing your newly-purchased apartment, one of the key things you need to know is to understand what you can and what you cannot...