When you think East meeting West, the mind instantly leaps to fusion dining or a mixture of oriental and western values as manifested in behavior, dressing and thinking. In feng shui however, East meeting West means something very different indeed. Feng shui actually categorizes people into East group and West group people.
Those who belong to the East group benefit from facing and tapping the four East group directions – Southeast, East, South and North. Meanwhile all West group people benefit from West group directions – West, Southwest, Northwest and Northeast. What group you belong to depends on your KUA number, which is determined by your lunar year of birth and your gender. So what happens when an East group person lives in a West group house and vice versa? CHRIS YEO examines the practical implications of this troublesome question.
Houses Sitting & Facing Different Group Directions
Houses are also divided into East and West groups depending on their facing and sitting directions. The sitting direction of a home is directly opposite to its facing direction. So a house that faces West sits East. In such a case, while the house is tapping energy from a West group direction (which benefits West group people), it sits East thus is a Wood-element house, drawing its base energy from an East direction (which benefits East group people). So a house like this is said to be good for both East and West group people.
The same case applies for houses lying along the SE-NW axis. It faces and southeast, an east group direction, and sits a Northwest a West group direction and thus can benefit both east and west group people. These are houses that sit West and face East, or sit East and face West. These are the E-W and the SE-NW houses.
Axis Houses – Facing And Sitting In The Same Group Direction
There are two other types of houses and these are pure axis houses; These houses sit and face either an East or a West direction, not both. The axis directions are thus either completely East group or completely west group.
The EAST axis houses are those that face or sit South or North
The WEST axis houses are those that face or sit Southwest or Northeast.
The S-N houses are excellent for East-group people, while the SE-NW houses are excellent for West group people. The dilemma here is that while these houses are deemed to be excellent luck for people whose direction matches that of the axis house, what about those whose group are directly at odds with their axis house.
For instance, a West group person living in a North/South axis. Or when an East group person is living in a house facing or sitting SW or NE. What happens when someone of the East group lives in a West group house and vice versa?
A Working Example
In our example here, we look at an East-group house, one that faces south and sits north. Both its facing and sitting directions are EAST group directions. Now consider the implications of the house patriarch being a WEST group person. What can he do then to improve the feng shui of the property for himself and his family?
The first thing to note of course is that sitting and facing directions (based on Kua formula feng shui) is not the only method of feng shui. It is equally important to look at the flying star natal chart of the property, as well as the annual and monthly charts. Second, although the entire house may not be able to face or sit in a direction that is good for you, BUT you can still activate the SMALL TAI CHI of the way you sit and sleep, and which doors you use to enter the house.
Main Door Direction
Being a South-North orientation, the main door has to be angled to best suit the owner. So for West group persons, we have angled the door to face a Southwest direction, which is an auspicious direction for West group people. Having the main entrance facing South forces the owners to enter their home through one of the inauspicious directions, worse if this were their Chueh Ming (or total loss) direction.
Flying Stars
The flying star chart configuration is plotted, according to a Period 8 home, where we identify the most auspicious sectors of the house to be the South (front entrance), Southwest (dining area) and West corners (study). Similarly, for the upper floors, the master bedroom is located within the Western side of the house to tap onto auspicious star combinations.
Sleeping And Working Directions
The master bed is located in the Southwest corner to allow the couple to benefit from the 1-6 star combination as well as allowing them to sleep within a West-related sector of the home. Similarly, the working and dining facing directions were all laid out to face a West direction.
So whenever we are thrown into a situation where both facing and sitting directions of the house are not tuned to your auspicious directions, don’t fret. You merely have to balance out your life to tap as many of your auspicious directions as possible. In fact, it is better to live in the “wrong” type of house based on East/West group, if that enables you to tap into better flying star numbers and combinations. You can always activate the small tai chi to benefit from good Kua formula feng shui.
How To Calculate Your Kua Number
For Male
Take the last two digits of your year of birth and add them together. Keep adding till you get a single number. Deduct this from 10 if you were born before 2000, and from 9 for those born in the year 2000 or later. This gives your Kua number.
For Female
Take the last two digits of your year of birth and add them together. Keep adding till you get a single number. Add 5 to this number if you were born before 2000, add 6 for those born in the year 2000 or later. If the result is a two-digit number, keep adding till get a single number. This is your Kua number.
East Group People belong to
Kua numbers:1, 3, 4 & 9
West Group People belong to
Kua numbers: 2, 5, 6, 7 & 8