Feng Shui Astrology for July 2022

RAT – Energy levels take a dip
1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

The Rat’s energy levels take a dip. You could find it difficult to stay focused. If you feel your energy levels waning, take a break. Get some sleep! Avoid making too many plans in advance to avoid double booking yourself. Avoid crowded spaces and staying out too late at night. Suppress the illness energies with a Wu Lou with Joyous Cranes by your bedside and wear the Medicine Buddha & Vairocana Mantra Ring. There is also possibility of disagreements with family members and work colleagues. Carry the Magical Cosmic Apple Amulet to suppress any conflict energies you may encounter.

OX – A very positive month!
1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

The pace picks up this month. Your energy levels get a turbo charge, helping you complete tasks efficiently and ahead of schedule. This gives you more time to spend developing new strategies or for pursuing personal interests. Activate your good fortune with the Teapot with Completion Horse on your desk or in your home sector of NE. Carry the Sky Horse Amulet for success and victory luck. Relationships (of all kinds) go better this month. For those wanting to get married, carry the Peach Blossom Horse Amulet.

TIGER – Feeling energetic
1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

The Tiger’s energies are running at a high, making this a time filled with activities that keep you very active. Those of you not doing enough could start feeling restless. Make use of the energies to make plenty of new connections. Display the Heavenly Completion Horse on your desk or in the NE. Those in business benefit from the 100 Blessings Energetic Deer in your living space for improved profits. Carry the Sky Horse Amulet for success and recognition in your work life. There is however indication of conflict between older and younger people. Carry the Magical Cosmic Apple Amulet to suppress conflict energies.

RABBIT – Relationships improve
1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Relationships with peers and family improve. A less stressful time compared with last month, with many around you more open to your ideas. It is also easy to find a way a positive outcome to any problem, whatever the circumstance; make use of your natural charm, and trust your instincts. Activate for personal charisma and likeability with Kurukulle’s Plaque on your work desk. Young Rabbits benefit better study luck and will find it much easier to focus. Activate for exam luck with the Dragon Carp with 3-Legged Toad placed in the East.

DRAGON – Double check everything
1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

Your luck takes a dip with the Misfortune Star paying a visit. There are unfortunately problems that need solving, and also a tendency for mistakes to be made. Double check facts before taking a strong stand on anything. Careless mistakes could lead to real monetary losses. Illness and accidents are also indicated. Suppress the negative energies by placing the Heart Sutra Pagoda in the SE and carry the amulet version with you. As illness is a concern, best also to place a Wu Lou with Joyous Cranes by your bedside.

SNAKE – Lie low
1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

Although there are many opportunities to seize, Snakes should lie low for now. The arrival of the misfortune star brings obstacles at work, unexpected expenses and relationship problems. Remedy with a Heart Sutra Pagoda in the SE and by carrying the Heart Sutra Pagoda Amulet or Supremacy of Heaven Charms. Although romance luck is strong this year, single Snakes should avoid starting new relationships this month – there is high chance it could cause more problems than you need.

HORSE – Productive
1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

The Horse’s energy levels recover, giving a boost to career luck, with possibility of advancement. You could find yourself with more responsibilities and new projects to oversee. Activate the lucky energies by placing the Sky Horse with Flag of Success or Ru Yi on your work desk. You enjoy completion luck, which indicates you can finish what you start, and on your own terms. Use this auspicious time to keep yourself busy and productive. A month when a lot can be accomplished. Carry the Sum-of-Ten Amulet.

SHEEP – Quarrelsome
1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

The Quarrelsome Star makes you more irritable and emotional. This could negatively impact on the relationships in your life. Don’t let your temper wreck the connections you’ve spent time and effort building. Be more understanding of others. If you find yourself disagreeing on something, best hold your tongue and find out more before going on the offensive. For the Sheep, allowing your argumentative side to surface now will harm only you. Carry the Magical Cosmic Apple Amulet to temper the quarrelsome energies.


MONKEY – Confrontational
1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

The energies this month bring conflict, so there is a need to suppress quarrelsome tendencies. Don’t take things personally or overthink anything. If a disagreement arises, make an effort to control your temper. Be more patient with others, agree to disagree… that kind of thing. Carry the Magical Cosmic Apple Amulet and place the Harmony Lock on your desk to protect your relationships with your peers. Wearing the color red is a good way to suppress the confrontational energies of the month.

ROOSTER – New opportunities
1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Your luck continues to be good. There are suggestions of an improvement in your situation. New opportunities come your way and it is easy to seize them. Activate the good fortune of the month with the Trio of Wealth Gods or Activating Prosperity Tree on your work desk. But note there are risks of physical injuries this month; carry the 28 Hums Protection Amulet to safeguard against harm. Relationships of all kinds do well. For those looking for a life partner, this is a good month to start a relationship.

DOG – Cures needed against Loss Star
1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

The Loss Star 7 brings unexpected expenses, and possibility of betrayal by close friends or family. The annual star however helps you alleviate some of this unfortunate luck. To reduce incidences of leakages to your cash flow, place the Armoured Elephant and Rhino in the NW and carry the Anti-Robbery Amulet. An excess of Metal element energy brings risk of injury caused by sharp metal objects; be careful when handling kitchen knives, etc. Carry the 28 Hums Protection Amulet to avoid physical injuries this month.

BOAR – Safety first
1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

You need to take extra care with safety this month, as the Red Star 7 afflicts your home sector. This brings risk of money loss, accidents and betrayals. Mitigate these risks by carrying the Anti Robbery Amulet and the 9 Dragon Kuan Kung Talisman to protect against betrayals. Be careful when driving, and don’t get yourself entangled in road rage conflicts; could turn out dangerous! Stick the Anti-Burglary & Violence Window Sticker on your car windows. You can also place Peacock Feathers to protect against accidents while on the road.