Tag: august 2022
Flying Stars in August 2022: A Month of Doubles
Monthly Stars align with Annual Stars
Lucky sectors become luckier; unlucky sectors become more dangerous
EAST-WEST facing homes need to fortify with CURES
Good & Bad Days to Cut Hair for August 2022
There is a little-known and rare sutra which reveals the consequences of cutting your hair on the wrong days – and the extraordinary benefits...
Significant Spiritual Days for August 2022
This comprehensive spiritual calendar marks all the significant and powerful days to chant mantras, perform pujas and conduct powerful rituals that will increase your...
Feng Shui Astrology for August 2022
1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
An auspicious time with the Victory Star doubling in your home sector! For those in...