
The Legend of Chinese New Year Day

The Chinese have celebrated the start of every lunar New Year since 2000 BC. In the past, celebrations were held on different days under different emperors. In recent times however, the first day of...
I Ching

An Alternate View of the I Ching

For centuries, it has been China’s principle Book of Oracles; referred to as the Book of Changes, it was also a major source book for many of the feng shui interpretations that ultimately became...

Revitalize Your Bedroom: Quick Ways To Bring New Energies Into Your Inner Sanctuary

There are guidelines on keeping bedrooms neat, clean and tidy in the interests of maintaining good feng shui, but there is no need to go too far. Most important is the pointing direction of...

Maintaining Good Feng Shui

by Lim Han Jin Having lived in my house for the past 11 years, the house is starting to look a little old. Some paint has started to crack, and there are stains left over...

Notable Nose of Our Times

The NOSE is one of the six most important features on the face, the other five being the eyes, forehead, cheeks, mouth and jaw. Each of these features reveals our character, our success potential and many...

An Introduction To Bullet Journaling, The Productivity Booster

Through the hustle and bustle of daily life, it isn’t uncommon for the average person to find themselves buried under a mountain of responsibilities. Ever since becoming responsible for myself, my home, my work...

Thinking in New Direction Using the Power of Creative Thought…

Images have power, symbols have meanings, plants have cures, sounds have effects! The sights and smells of our Universe are as diverse and as creative as our mind’s depth – so start thinking in...

Actualize Your Goals With Vision And Action Boards

One of journaling’s many uses is as a tool for planning and organizing the various aspects that make up your life. It is a process that becomes meaningful when given a purpose. My mother...

The Ak Orda Presidential Palace Of Kazakhstan: A Grand And Stately Political Residence Of...

One of the perks that come with the job of being Head of State in any country is the palatial office (or residence). In Kazakhstan, the President of the nation gets a plush office...
Activating Your Seven Chakras

Activating Your Seven Chakras

Stimulating your spinning wheels of light will bring viatlity to your inner chi. CHAKRA is a Sanskrit word that means “wheel.” Those who can see them describe chakras as spinning wheels of light that glow...
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