My dear readers,
Let us be Feng Shui warriors and galvanize 9 core beliefs that bring power to our feng shui practice!
The past months have been disorienting for all of us. The Coronavirus COVID-19 has brought deep changes to our lifestyles and profoundly disrupted our lives. People worldwide have suffered and continue to suffer. The virus has caused more than 365,000 deaths worldwide. Millions around the world have lost their livelihoods and many live in fear of the virus and the consequences that this virus brings.
At times like this, hope seems to be in short supply. It seems hard to imagine how we can move forward, and many times we are near to submitting to despair caused by being in lockdown, in feeling loneliness and for some of us, experiencing the real pain of loss. This is a year when we feel life’s challenges most acutely.
But to succumb to despair is not the way of the warrior. Hence we need to call on our inner reserves of strength. Be a warrior my friends. Dig deep into your own inner core to pull out your strengths. Focus on the spirit of the warrior within yourselves. Breathe deeply and believe!
This is the secret TAO of Feng Shui.
These are the 9 core beliefs that can galvanize our mental strength to give laserlike power and illumination to our practice of feng shui!
- Believe your own strength is powerful – like a rock.
- Believe your own inner instincts are incredible – like magic.
- Believe your thoughts are totally focused – like a laser beam.
- Believe your intentions have clear cut clarity – work at this.
- Believe your creativity sharpen your aspirations – think this through.
- Believe there is resilience in your intentions – be mindful of this.
- Believe there is magic in your core knowledge – there is indeed!
- Believe your transformation of aspirations is instant – it is magic.
- Believe you are a beacon of light shining brightly – believe and it is so!
Use all that you know – the sum total of your experiences, your knowledge, your training, and your instincts -to defeat fear of the virus! This will cause you to illuminate your own human condition and transform into a warrior.
These beliefs are sure to work for you as they have worked for me. Take a pause during these troubled times and examine your own beliefs. Work at staying strong spiritually and mentally. Make the effort to find your own inner strength and determination. And while strengthening yourself, don’t forget to find time to inspire your kids and your family.
We can use our collective inner strengths to dissolve the fear of the virus that is currently affecting the world. We can use our collective intention to inspire those we love so that together, we are brave enough to let our hearts reach out even as we practice social distancing.
Do not let the virus conquer you! Use your inner strengths to overcome this alien virus. Let its effect on all of us be superficial.
Let us defeat it with the power of our collective thought!
Let us engage the power of our minds and send out into the universe, our singular intentions to defeat the virus!
With much love,