
The 10 Intelligent Day Pillars

A number of articles back, I introduced you to the 6 Talented Stars, where people who have this star in their chart are believed...

Combining The Stars – Yin With Yang

Dealing With Misfortune & Prosperity Stars In The Paht Chee In previous articles, I have shown you examples of countless combinations that bring about the...

Is Your Marriage Susceptible to Extramarital Love Affairs?

The Flower of Romance Star is often confused with the Peach Blossom Star because it addresses love and relationships and the ultimate destiny of...

Star of Aggressive Sword: Do You Have It In Your Chart,...

In this issue, we will be talking about the Star of Aggressive Sword. This star suggests someone who has a very aggressive and intensive...

Does Facebook Have A Future?

Facebook is the world’s most popular online social media and social networking website. With over 2 billion active users as of June 2017, Facebook...
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