january 2024 Archives - WOFS.com https://www.wofs.com/tag/january-2024/ Online Feng Shui Magazine Tue, 26 Dec 2023 08:26:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 Feng Shui Astrology for January 2024 https://www.wofs.com/feng-shui-astrology-for-january-2024/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=feng-shui-astrology-for-january-2024 Tue, 26 Dec 2023 08:26:33 +0000 https://www.wofs.com/?p=18086 RAT – Don’t Take Your Health for Granted 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020 The Rat has a magnified Illness Star in its home sector. You tire more easily and could find it hard to stay focused. Get enough rest, avoid making too many plans and steer clear of crowded spaces. Luckily, you enjoy […]

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RAT – Don’t Take Your Health for Granted
1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

The Rat has a magnified Illness Star in its home sector. You tire more easily and could find it hard to stay focused. Get enough rest, avoid making too many plans and steer clear of crowded spaces. Luckily, you enjoy improvement in relationship luck, indicating good support and help when you need it. Subdue illness energies by placing an Abundance Wu Lou by your bedside, and carry the Health Talisman Holder to protect against the 2 star’s magnified chi. Activate friendship and ally luck with the Rat & Ox Secret Friend Talisman. To ensure good outcomes for everything you do, wear the Sky Unicorn Charm Bracelet.

OX – Powerful completion luck
1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

The Ox’s energies are running high, putting you in pole position in the month ahead. Your reputation soars, new opportunities abound, and you have powerful completion luck moving things along for you. Activate the lucky energies of the month with the Money Frog on Lilypad in the NE. Those in business benefit from the Cash Flow Camel in Royal Blue. Those pursuing career success should get the Period 9 Windhorse Amulet. To fast-track results, and to ensure everything turns out the way you want, wear the 9 Eyed Dzi & Anti-Evil Eye Beaded Necklace.

TIGER – A Positive Month
1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Things are looking good. Your energy levels get a turbo charge, helping you complete tasks efficiently and ahead of schedule. This gives you more time to spend developing new strategies or pursuing personal interests. Display the Lucky 9 Enhancer in the NE and wear the Power 9 Jade Hoop Earrings to harness your good fortune. Use the Windhorse Abundance Pillbox for success and victory luck. Your annual Loss Star does get temporarily stronger though. This threatens to spoil things for you and expose you to greater danger. In addition to annual cures, wear the Red Protection Paisley Shawl to reinforce protection. Having the Sky Wolf in your living space shields against duplicity and safeguards your wealth as well.

RABBIT – Getting Along with Everyone
1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

The Rabbit can look forward to a less stressful month. The Peach Blossom Star brings feelgood energies into all your interactions; others are more open to your ideas and more willing to lend you a helping hand. A good time to network and to forge new alliances. Wear the Mantra Ring of Influence to activate for personal charisma and to get others onto your side. The Rabbit also enjoys romance luck. If looking to meet a good match, place a pair of Bejewelled Mandarin Ducks in the East or SW. Young Rabbits enjoy study luck and shine at school this month. Activate for success in your studies with the Manjushri Plaque placed on your desk.

DRAGON – Stay Low-Key
1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

For the Dragon, it is best to aim for a low-key month. The arrival of the Misfortune Star brings obstacles at work, unexpected expenses and relationship problems. Ensure you stay protected with a White Umbrella Goddess Pagoda in the SE and carry the White Umbrella Goddess Pagoda Amulet. Preserve your wealth with the Traditional Wealth Lock Coin and safeguard your relationships with the Padlocks of Love & Harmony. Wear gold and silver jewellery. Single Dragons shouldn’t try too hard when it comes to dating. Avoid starting new relationships, as there is high chance it could cause more problems than you need.

SNAKE – Double Check Everything
1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

The Snake comes under the influence of the Five Yellow, which can bring a lot of trouble. You could lose money, fall sick and meet up with all kinds of problems in your relationships. This month it is best to keep a low profile. Avoid taking risks this month, and definitely no speculating or gambling. Double check everything! Place the White Umbrella Goddess Pagoda in the SE and keeping the amulet version close. The negative energies of the month can also create havoc in your love life; carry the Padlocks of Love and Harmony to keep your love connections strong. Wear the Prayer Wheel Pendant for Health and invite in the Magic Macaw to protect against loss of wealth, and to improve cash flow.

HORSE – Advance Confidently
1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

The monthly energies conspire to sway many things in your favour. Your energy returns and career luck gets a boost. You could find yourself in in line for monetary rewards and career advancement. Those in competitive pursuits find pulling ahead of the competition no sweat at all, so give things your best shot! Make the most of your fortunes by carrying the Prosperity Flag with Dragon Amulet. Place the Rooster with Dragon Tortoise on your desk. You can transform your winning luck into wealth luck with the Water Wave Amulet. Those of you in school benefit immensely as well. Boost study and exam luck with the Scholar with Eagle Mini Plaque in the South, or on your desk.

SHEEP – Confrontational
1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

The Quarrelsome Star brings conflict energies to the Sheep. Don’t let yourself get worked up. Take things easy and go with the flow. Petty gossip may cause some distress and people may find fault with you more often; be patient. Learn to take criticism in your stride. Spend the month working more on solo projects if possible; the negative vibes subside by month end. Carry the 3 Harmony Animals Amulet and place the 9 Dragons Red Carpet in the SW to make sure the 3 star cannot cause you any serious harm. The married Sheep should keep the Double Happiness Vase with Lillies by your bedside to protect your marriage against unwanted outside interference.

MONKEY – Calm Conflict Chi
1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

While the month ahead holds many positive indications, it can also be an aggravating one. You have the Quarrelsome Star messing with your emotions and attracting all kinds of hostilities. Small things grate on your nerves, and you could unintentionally rub others the wrong way. Watch your words and actions. Make an effort to control your temper or you could offend the wrong person. Wear the OM Floral Popularity Shawl to calm conflict chi and place the 3 Harmony Animals in the SW. If married, place the “Pink Lilies” Bucket of Good Fortune in the SW to protect against infidelities. Singles should put more focus on their careers than on dating for now.

ROOSTER – Many Happy Surprises
1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

The Rooster enjoys wealth luck this month. Windfalls and new opportunities arrive; relationships strengthen. If there was a time to be more daring in your investments, this would be it! Those in business do well. Projects started now enjoy good success potential. Place the Azure Dragon with Waves or Dragon in Forest of Wealth in the West and use the Red Phoenix Wallet to activate for new opportunities. For windfalls, carry the “Tai Kat Tai Ley” Enhancer. It is also a lucky month for love. To meet someone you can have a long-term future with, carry the Horse Peach Blossom Amulet.

DOG – Safety First
1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

The Loss Star casts inauspicious energies of money loss, robberies and betrayal. Best to scale back on activities and be careful when it comes to your finances. Not a good time to start new projects or sign legal documents. Big decisions should be put on hold till next month when your luck improves. Mitigate the vicious energies of the 7 star by wearing the Elephant & Rhinoceros Anti-Burglary Charms Bracelet. Display the Door Guardians with Ksitigarbha Staff Plaque in the NW. Get the Sky Raven and place on your desk to boost wealth luck, and to ensure all the decisions you make are good ones.

BOAR – Keep Your Guard Up
1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

Energies of betrayal and loss afflict the Boar’s sector this month. You could thus find competition heating up at work, with rivals using sometimes underhanded tactics. There is also danger of getting cheated or scammed. Diffuse the harmful energies by carrying the Elephant & Rhinoceros with Ksitigarbha Staff Amulet. Be careful when out too late at night, and don’t get yourself entangled in conflicts as things could turn out dangerous. Wear the Namgyalma Scarf for cosmic protection. Safeguard against office politics by carrying the Rooster Coin Purse. Protect against getting betrayed by carrying the 9 Dragon Kuan Kung Talisman.

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Good & Bad Days to Cut Hair for January 2024 https://www.wofs.com/good-bad-days-to-cut-hair-for-january-2024/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=good-bad-days-to-cut-hair-for-january-2024 Tue, 26 Dec 2023 08:26:22 +0000 https://www.wofs.com/?p=18116 There is a little-known and rare sutra which reveals the consequences of cutting your hair on the wrong days – and the extraordinary benefits of cutting it on the correct day. The right and wrong days are based on the Tibetan Calendar and for your benefit, WOFS.com has transcribed these good and bad days into […]

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There is a little-known and rare sutra which reveals the consequences of cutting your hair on the wrong days – and the extraordinary benefits of cutting it on the correct day. The right and wrong days are based on the Tibetan Calendar and for your benefit, WOFS.com has transcribed these good and bad days into the Western dates for you.

Click to enlarge

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Significant Spiritual Days for January 2024 https://www.wofs.com/significant-spiritual-days-for-january-2024/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=significant-spiritual-days-for-january-2024 Tue, 26 Dec 2023 08:26:08 +0000 https://www.wofs.com/?p=18111 This comprehensive spiritual calendar marks all the significant and powerful days to chant mantras, perform pujas and conduct powerful rituals that will increase your wealth, success, love and happiness. Please take note of these dates and read the explanation below the calendar. TARA DAY – Chanting Tara Mantras and praises on these days multiplies success […]

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This comprehensive spiritual calendar marks all the significant and powerful days to chant mantras, perform pujas and conduct powerful rituals that will increase your wealth, success, love and happiness. Please take note of these dates and read the explanation below the calendar.

Click to enlarge
TARA DAYChanting Tara Mantras and praises on these days multiplies success and removes obstacles. Join Lillian Too and her Dharma friends online in performing Tara Puja on the 8th day of the Spiritual Calendar. Write to tarapuja@wofs.com for details on how to participate.
White Tara DayChanting the mantra of White Tara, Buddha of Long life, and making offerings to her on this days purifies negative karma that brings obstacles to long life. Excellent for those who are ill or elderly.
Medicine Buddha DayChanting the 7 Medicine Buddha names and mantras on this day purifies 30 eons of negative karma and brings swift healing to those who are ill. It also brings BIG success for all activities.
Thousand Buddhas DayReciting the names of the Thousand Buddhas of our fortunate eon on this day purifies 200 eons of negative karma and prevents rebirth into the animal, ghost and hell realms. You remove obstacles to wish-fulfillment.
Amitabha DayChanting his mantra purifies 200 eons of negative karma and leads you to Amitabha’s heaven land. You develop strong powers of speech.
Avalokiteshvara DayChanting his mantra purifies 90 eons of negative karma and brings blessings of happiness, peace and goodwill. You become lucky in meeting people who will constantly help you.
Amitayus DayChanting his mantra increases longevity and healing for those suffering from terminal illness like cancer and AIDS. You remove the karma of premature death.
Shakyamuni DayChanting Shakyamuni mantra and praises purifies 1000 eons of negative karma and invite rains of blessings! You reverse the karma of spiraling into darkness and will be led irreversibly towards happiness and enjoyments in this life and future lives.
Guru Rinpoche DayMaking lavish offerings to Guru Rinpoche and chanting his mantra on this day invites the Protection of Guru Rinpoche. You will be led irreversibly to happiness, comfort and a life filled with powerful spirituality. Read the Tsog prayer.
Dakini DayMaking incense and food offerings to all the female deities and dakinis brings good fortune and merit. Read the Tsog prayer.

Remember to take note of all the activities to be avoided (e.g. no funerals, medical, parties, weddings, prayer flags, etc) indicated on these calendar days. Be mindful to avoid negative speech, thoughts and actions on this day.

Incense PujaGood days for offering incense to Buddhas, protectors and local deities.
Protector PujaOffering Black Tea to King Gesar and all protectors on these days brings powerful protection against obstacles and black magic.
Long Life Sisters PujaOffering Black Tea and Milk to the Five Long Life sisters on these days brings protection against disasters of the five elements.
Tsog OfferingReading the Food Offering Prayer before all meals multiples your good karma millions of times.
Court DaysHarmonious days for resolving disputes and attending court hearings, mediations and trials.
Long-Life RitualsPowerful days for reciting mantras of the Long Life Buddhas – Amitayus, White Tara and Namgyalma. Also excellent for animal liberation rituals.
Wealth RitualsPowerful days to offer water to White Dzambhala Wealth deity and chant his mantras. Also very auspicious for making and consecrating wealth vases and chanting mantras & sutras for attracting prosperity luck. Chant the Sutra of Norbu Sangpo.
Parties & WeddingsParties and Celebrations performed on these days multiplies and increases happiness luck.
Success RitualsPowerful days for chanting Noble Stack of Auspiciousness, Hooking Abundance and making prayers for success.
Prayer FlagsRaising Wind Horse & mantra flags on these days bring good fortune and blessings.
House BlessingsExcellent days to conduct space cleansing rituals and to invite a holy man to bless your home.
No CourtBad days for dispute resolution, divorce, court trials, hearings & mediation. Disagreements & disharmony prevails.
No FuneralBad days to perform funerals, burials, cremations and conduct wakes.
No MedicalBad days for major surgical/medical procedures. Medical treatment will have obstacles.
No Starting BusinessStarting or officiating businesses on these days bring un-ending obstacles to the business.
No Wealth RitualsBad day to making Wealth Vase
No Prayer FlagsHanging Wind Horse or mantra flags on these days bring constant obstacles that will plague success.
No Weddings/PartiesHolding gatherings, parties or getting married on such days bring discord and disharmony. Friends will turn into enemies.

The post Significant Spiritual Days for January 2024 appeared first on WOFS.com.

Flying Stars in January 2024: Sum-of-Ten Indicates Great Productivity https://www.wofs.com/flying-star-updates-for-january-2024/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=flying-star-updates-for-january-2024 Mon, 25 Dec 2023 14:08:13 +0000 https://www.wofs.com/?p=18081 Heaven Star 6 forms Sum-of-Ten in the centre Luckiest sectors are SOUTH, EAST, CENTRE and WEST SE, SW, NW and NORTH need remedies NE brings long-term prosperity luck but watch for betrayals Sectors of the matriarch and patriarch are severely afflicted The first month of 2024 is promising as its Flying Star chart is dominated […]

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  • Heaven Star 6 forms Sum-of-Ten in the centre
  • Luckiest sectors are SOUTH, EAST, CENTRE and WEST
  • SE, SW, NW and NORTH need remedies
  • NE brings long-term prosperity luck but watch for betrayals
  • Sectors of the matriarch and patriarch are severely afflicted

The first month of 2024 is promising as its Flying Star chart is dominated by the lucky Heaven Star 6. When combined with the annual 4 star in the center, it also forms the powerful Sum-of-Ten combination. This showers the entire household with completion luck and heavenly support, making it an excellent time to put as many of your plans as you can into motion. Make full use of the auspicious energies of the month by placing the Completion Horse and Namgyalma in the centre of the home.

Other auspicious sectors include the South, East and West. The South welcomes the Victory Star 1 while East plays host to the Relationship Star 4. The West enjoys the company of the Prosperity Star. Homes that are oriented East-West benefit the most, especially in the areas of making money and friends. Use these sectors of your living space as much as possible.

The SE, SW, NW and North sectors are afflicted. The SE and NW are visited by the Five Yellow and Loss Star 7 respectively. The SW contends with quarrelsome energies, while the North has magnified illness chi. If your main door or bedroom are in any of these sectors, you must put remedies in place.

The energies in the NE are mixed. While it enjoys the growing auspiciousness of the 9 star, it can also manifest money loss, robberies and betrayals. If you want to activate for good fortune here, you must make sure you are well protected.


In each of the 9 grids, you will find 2 numbers. The big number indicates the annual star and the small number indicates the monthly star. Use a reliable compass to determine your directions or locations.

12th Month of the Gui Mao Water Rabbit Year
(6th January 2024 – 3rd February 2024)

SOUTHEAST – Misfortune Chi
The Wu Wang meeting with the 3 Star makes this a badly afflicted sector. Together, they bring conflict, illness, accidents and injuries. Money problems could also arise. Keep this part of the home quiet and undisturbed. Avoid renovating or any form of knocking, drilling and hacking. Place the White Umbrella Goddess Pagoda here to suppress misfortune chi, and a red carpet to further subdue conflict chi. If this is where your main door or bedroom is located, carry the White Umbrella Goddess Amulet and wear the “AH” Dakini Popularity Amulet. Boost your health with the Pair of Cranes with Peaches & Bamboo by your bedside. Get the Sky Wolf to protect against money loss, and for help in getting your timing right.


SOUTH – Victory Luck
The South plays host to the lucky 1 Star, which brings extraordinary luck in one’s career and business ventures. You could find yourself with new and exciting opportunities, and it becomes easier to overcome rivals and obstacles in the pursuit of your goals. If facing any kind of competitive situation this month, this is an excellent sector to tap. Capture its auspicious energies by displaying the Rooster with Dragon Tortoise or Period 9 Windhorse here. Occupants of South-facing homes and South sector bedrooms should carry the Period 9 Windhorse Amulet. Students sitting for exams also benefit a great deal from the winning energies here; display the Scholar with Eagle Mini Plaque in this sector to boost scholastic and exam luck.


SOUTHWEST – Beware Conflict Chi
The 3 star in the SW brings conflict chi. Disputes between family members can happen more frequently, and working with others becomes more difficult. Keep activities here to a minimum and remove anything that makes too much noise. Strong remedies are needed to prevent problems occurring. Display the 3 Harmony Animals to diffuse the hostile chi. Matriarchs and residents of SW-facing homes and SW bedrooms should carry the amulet version. Place the 9 Dragons Carpet or 9 Dragons Cushion Covers here to further exhaust the Wood chi of the number 3. If married and sleeping in the SW, place the Double Happiness Vase with Lillies by your bedside to keep your love bonds strong and to protect against outside interference and infidelities.


EAST – Networking & Scholastic Luck
Residents of East-facing homes and East sector bedrooms can look forward to a more easygoing time. The 4 star here enhances relationships, creativity and study luck. Students find learning new things less arduous, and those looking to get ahead in their careers will find good ideas flowing more easily. Networking efforts tend to be more fruitful. Access the lucky vibes here by displaying the Lucky Pink Elephant and Cardinal Connectivity Activator. If your main door or bedroom is in the East, carry the Talent Star Activator and Secret Friend Talisman for your animal sign. Students can improve study luck by displaying the Manjushri Plaque. If single and looking to meet someone special, get the Bejewelled Mandarin Ducks.


CENTER – Completion Luck & Divine Support
The 6 star combining with the 4 star in the centre forms the Sum-of-Ten combination, blessing the entire household with abundance and completion luck. There are also excellent energies bringing windfalls, recognition, new opportunities and divine support. Don’t let these lucky energies go to waste! Take advantage of the auspicious vibrations by carrying the Heaven Seal Talisman and Sum-of-Ten Amulet. Attract the luck of mentors and benefactors with the Nobleman Gui Ren Talisman. For wealth and windfall luck, get the Tai Kat Tai Ley Enhancer. If you are in business and have plans for expansion, you benefit from having the Cash Flow Camel in Crimson Red on your desk.


WEST – Prosperity Luck
The West continues to be lucky with the Prosperity Star 8 flying in. Money luck gets enhanced, so you could see improvements in your cash flow, as well as the chance of windfall gains. Investors who are active in the stock market and those involved in business will find the energies here beneficial. Spend more time in this part of the home. Display the Dragon in Forest of Wealth or Azure Dragon with Waves here to activate. It is an excellent time for residents to generate new wealth; carry the Water Wave Amulet to harness the wealth-attracting vibes of the number 8 star. A good time for those living in West sector bedrooms to make the big moves when it comes to romance.


NORTHEAST – Mixed Energies Here
The 9 star moves to the NE, bringing fame and new opportunities, but because it strengthens the 7 Star, there is increased risk of getting robbed, betrayed or cheated. To tap its auspicious energies, you must ensure you are well protected against the negative ones. Display the Door Guardians with Ksitigarbha Staff Plaque to subdue loss chi. After which, you should activate for long-lasting wealth with the Lucky 9 Enhancer or Money Frog on Lilypad. If your main door or bedroom is located here, wear the 9 Eyed Dzi & Anti-Evil Eye Beaded Necklace or Sky Leopard Charm Bracelet to make the most of your good fortune.


NORTH – Illness & Injuries
The North holds magnified illness energies that negatively impact your physical and mental well-being. These can cause feelings of lethargy, put your mind in a cloudy haze and make you more vulnerable to falling sick. You could find yourself falling behind in your plans and losing focus. Keep this part of the home quiet. Display the Abundance Wu Lou here for health luck. Occupants of North-facing homes and North sector bedrooms can place the Wu Lou & Peach Bucket of Good Fortune by your bedside or carry the Amulet to Boost Reducing Energy. Best if the elderly and those battling chronic illnesses avoid sleeping in the North this month.


NORTHWEST – A Dangerous Sector
The energies in the NW are dangerous as it has the violent star 7 joining the annual Five Yellow. This combination increases risk of betrayals and misfortune, so if you can, avoid using this sector completely. Display the Elephant & Rhinoceros with Ksitigarbha Staff here to protect the whole family. If living in a NW-facing home or NW sector bedroom, or if you are the Patriarch of your family, you should also carry the 28 Hums Lotus Mandala Amulet. Keep the Rooster Coin Purse close at work to shield against office politics. Protect your wealth and assets with the Magic Macaw.

The post Flying Stars in January 2024: Sum-of-Ten Indicates Great Productivity appeared first on WOFS.com.
